Alternative Medicine

Yes indeed, we became legal for limited THC/CBD September 1, 2015 in the Great State of Texas. Now, as of January 1, 2018, low dosage THC/CBD is available to an expanded Epileptic community with a total of three dispensaries, soon to open. It's not exactly what we wanted but it is a start; especially for many of us with epilepsy.
Ironically, it seems Texas usually big in everything is far behind on this issue; especially with the FDA now approving on a Federal level CBD oil in all 50 states (although considered much lower strength than what would be considered a recommended or prescription dose).
As an epileptic in a trial study 2 years ago and currently in continual review by my Neurologist for the Rx I use CBD now and swear by the benefits.
Let me reiterate, I use it LEGALLY. I can buy the oil right in my neighborhood HEB super market. Wow, who'd ever thought? Although it was actually available before in small quanities, since the new law went into effect, Hemp and hemp products in large quantities and almost every variety have become very available.
Like many, I have also learned how to boost the trace amounts of THC in the legal hemp sold in both health food stores and grocery stores here, in order to get the maximum benefits. The effects in calming epileptic auras and seizures for epileptics are overwhelming; not to mention the delicious flavor the oil brings when cooking spinach, broccoli, asparragus and we can't forget the brownies.
Although not quite the "Magical Brownies" you might find in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska or Washington state, just a quarter cup of boosted Hemp oil to any box of brownie mix will be the best brownie you've ever tasted and the side effect of slight relaxation is wonderful.
I find one brownie infused with boosted Hemp oil from Legal Hemp seed will keep me Epileptic Seizure free for up to 6 months while being able to reduce drastically my traditional meds and completely aura free.
For those of us as epileptics we know all too well that those dreaded pre or post aura seizures can be more debilitating than the major seizure itself. In fact some neurologist now say the aura is actually a partial clonic "mini seizure".
I might add that one teaspoon of Hemp oil in your favorite coffee or tea will enhance the flavor and help you relax.
So for now, those of us with epilepsy must count our blessings but lets keep this good thing going and get Cannabis expanded legally for everyone in Texas and beyond.
Please consult your neurologist before quiting or reducing your anti-seizure medication.

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