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And we're off

The premier edition and first online issue of the The Outlaw Observer and Opinion begins and with it some interesting observations and opinions of all kinds on all fronts; politicial as well as informative and news worthy.

As we roll out our first real edition and issue, we welcome everyone to give the new paper a thorough review; especially those who followed and subscribed to articles previously written by Lee Outlaw, Drtruthman or Eliy Wells and others published in other media sources.

We will begin with two new full issues monthly but as important news, information and opinions develop, updated issues will be published as well; with new or updated articles as needed.

Nothing will be too small or large to be covered in the The Outlaw Observer and Opinion, whether it be news, information, observation or opinion, we will cover it all and remember, we invite your comments and welcome guest editorial submissions.

In a world where even conservative alternative media seems to look and sound increasingly more politically correct and more like much of the same as the main stream and trafitional media, we hope The Outlaw Observer and Opinion will bring an entire new look and feel to

the topics of the day.

Our vision is to be "An outside the box, online newspaper with a bit of a "back in the day" feel. In other words we want to appear more like a genuine "back in the day" home town newspaper style (although on line) while hitting the topics of the day from all angles.

That's why we refer to ourselves as "An Alternative On-line News, Information and Opinion Journal". Like any good journal, we will keep track and update as needed.

Obviously we do not have the resources that the major news organizations have and with social media, often many of you reading our paper will have a story before we do.

But what we hope to provide is both a "true sound bite" short and simple report with more of an unapologetic but accurate take on what is happening in our country, your community and around the world.

We do subscribe to and are currently running several news, sports and political wires within our paper as a service and invite you to read. We also link to several other counseling and opinion blogs as an additional service to our readers.

What we promise is never to tease. Our headlines might not be Associated Press style popular but what you read will will actually be part of the actuall story.

We are just beginning. This issue is our birth and we have a lot of growing to do with plenty of growing pains along the way.

Please join us as we begin our journey.

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Other NEWS, Information, Sports, Weather, Counseling and Opinions

Also Featured in:

The Blaze, Reuters News Service, Politico, Religious News Service, Christianity Today,the Score,

Reuters Sports Wire, ESPN Sports Wire, One Outlaw's Opinion, Drtruthman Counseling


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